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Go Twins!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Chat room "info"

Ok - so I decided a great way to pick up more info and to speed the learning process was to sit in on a chat room discussion. Yahoo has an MLB room that always seems to have a lot of people on it, so I figured I would give it a go. I spent several hours listening in, the room has both regular chat and voice chat.

Drum roll please... here is what I learned:
  • A girl named Melissa (I believe that was the name) used to invited 4-5 guys for a chat and strip on her webcam.
  • If you strip on a webcam someone will take a screen shot.
  • Said screen shot will then be posted as a link on the chat room at a later date.
  • Said screen shot will then be discussed ad nausium and rated in not so complimentary ways.
  • Despite having to enter the character recognition password, 1/10 of the people in the room at any time only seemed to be able to type, "Are there any men in here who would like to see me take off my shirt?" I think over the course of the experiment I blocked 20-30 of them. (Are those bots?)
  • The main purpose of the chat room is to listen to someone make crank phone calls and give him suggestions as to who to call and provide their numbers. It is also a game to see if you can trick him into crank calling the police station.
  • You need to be at a minimum tipsy to participate and it is sooo much better if you are plastered.
  • When someone dares to ask a baseball question, the only acceptable response is, "I dunno, I only follow football." There is, however, one exception to the rule. When asked who will start for the Red Sox in game 1, about 8 people in the room will quickly reply with the same answer.
  • If you have several hours to waste... find a chat room!

In all seriousness, I might have picked a bad time (it was from 10pm - 2am), but I was on for about four hours and literally saw only a momentary glimmer of baseball discussion. I will try it again sometime. So if anyone has a good recommendation on where to go, I would love to hear it!


Kat said...

Oh. My. God. I was glad I read your post about the second attempt first!

Chrissy said...

I know! And on my third attempt I got yelled at for saying something... serious!