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Go Twins!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Curse avoided?

So the David Ortiz Red Sox jersey buried in the concrete of the Yankees stadium during construction sold on ebay for a cool $175,100, with the proceeds going to charity. So had the jersey remained, who believes that the Yankees would have actually been cursed?

I find the whole thing both humerous and disturbing. It is slightly amusing that the worker believed it would curse the team, and maybe more amusing that the Yankees believed in it enough to spend the time and money to dig it out of the two feet of concrete. What if they started digging and couldn't find it, or if there really had never been a jersey buried there, and the whole thing was just an urban legend? I would be curious to know how they knew where to dig. How much time and money were they willing to spend to try to find it?

Then I have to pause and think - how would I have felt had it been at the dome? Hard to answer - part of me would want it gone... just in case. The other part would be disturbed that we would pay for the removal when we don't put enough into salaries.

Maybe that was the problem at the dome... a worked dropped a quarter in the cement, and we were forever cursed to pinch pennies? Just kidding.

Make it a fantastic day!

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